Recently I participated in my first artist trading card (ATC) swap. It was a great experience and I absolutely love the treasures I received in return! Participants were from around the globe including US, England, and Australia! Each artist was asked to choose one word as their individual theme. Mine was nature. I chose to go the APC route (altered playing cards), here are my contributions to the swap:
Nature Opens Doors To The Hidden Parts Of Ourselves
Quote on back of ATC: “Nature gets into our souls and opens doors to hidden parts of ourselves.” ~Pamela Heyda. Photo(s) are actually one and the same ATC.
Made with 5 cards total, from recylced cards and Bicycle Pink Deck.
3.5" x 2.5"
Nature Has The Ability To Connect Us To The Spiritual Realm
Quote on back of ATC reads (I think): “Patterns, cycles, rhythms... nature has the ability to humble, simplify and connect at a level that goes beyond the physical and into the spiritual realm.” ~ Judy Lalingo. I liked that quote because I liked the simplicity of this card and the idea that owls are spiritually significant for many.
Made with 5 of hearts from Bicyle Pink Deck of course, and punched/embossed owl, floating above card :)
3.5" x 2.5"
Life & Nature Are A Constant Stimulus For A Creative Mind
Quote on back of ATC reads: “Being inexhaustible, life and nature are a constant stimulus for a creative mind.” ~ Hans Hofmann
Made with Jack of hearts from Bicycle Pink Deck, layered with two old postcards (flying scientist—from a movie perhaps(?)—and green trees). I just love the imagery; and I’ve always wanted to be able to fly like that :)
3.5" x 2.5"
...It Became A Butterfly
Quote on back: “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.” ~Anonymous
Made with 3 of spades from Bicylce Pink Deck and left-over spades from another, recycled deck, also scrap wire, glass tear drop beads. Butterfly floats.
3.5" x 2.5"
Here are the treasures I received in trade--all a surprise until the moment I opened the package! Very fun! In image order from top to bottom: "Silly" by Lori Pilla, copper "Delight" by Mary Hicks, "Easy" mini-canvas by Jean Foley...