
"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." ~Sir John Lubbock

THIS BLOG HAS MOVED TO www.michellehedgecock.com. Feel free to explore past posts here, then please come by for continued creative fun! If you like what you read, don't forget to "follow" my blog at its new site, to continue to receive creative fun and inspiration in your mailbox! Thank you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Message In A Bottle

This my version of a message in a bottle. When you raise the orange bead, you unscroll a message! In this case: the peace sign. This was a lot of fun to make work. I look forward to making more--I have plenty of bottles and jars!

~3" peace bottle
~5 1/2" heart bottle

PEACE bottle RELEASED Feb. 7, 2009, Starbucks in Barnes & Noble, Palm Desert, CA

HEART/PEACE (clear bottle) RELEASED March 28, 2009 Avalon, CA (Catalina Island)

This one (below) made from found and junk store bottles, found key, scrap wire, plastic and glass beads, thrift store material scraps.

Outside bottle has quote: "Peace is our gift to each other." ~ Elie Wiesel
Pull up KEY to "unlock"/unscroll message: peace symbol with wave pattern (both sides)

Ooops, kinda cheating with this one, "released" March 28, 2009, in my aunt's hotel room, Avalon, CA (Catalina Island)...

Another made from found and junk store bottles, found key, scrap wire, plastic and glass beads, thrift store material scraps.

Pull up ORANGE BEAD to unscroll quote: "Whenever there is a sentient being there is a chance for kindness." ~Seneca 4 BC -- 65 AD (although I took liberties and replaced "human" with "sentient" :) One side has human footprints drawn with message, the other side has paw prints with same quote.

RELEASED Saturday, March 28, 2009 Avalon, CA (Catalina Island), at a candy shop window; corner of Sumner and Crescent Ave.'s

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Buddhist-inspired APC's

Made with cards from "canceled" decks from local casinos (note drill holes), other thrift store decks and/or pink Bicycle deck. Some have been released for Found Art Tuesday during the Dalai Lama teachings in Long Beach, Sept. 2009.

For more APC's please visit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34241256@N07/